Discover Your True Self

Your Masculine Makeover is a journey that leads to discovering your true self. Find your purpose, communicate authentically, and let the world see your inner truth.

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Feeling Stuck?

Divine Generations Can Help.

Society’s rigid beliefs about a man’s right to emotional expression have led to men being far less likely to seek help than women and an inability to express themselves in healthy, productive ways. Work with a life coach who has helped men experience the transformative power of self-expression.


The Clarity Call

What Should I Expect?

This free, 30-minute clarity call will help me understand your communication style, most pressing goals, and modality preferences. During our first call together, we’ll also determine whether our styles are a good fit. This is a two-way decision. You need to be able to trust your life coach to get the most out of our time together.

  1. Emotional Assessment

    Everyone has their own communication style, but an emotional assessment will help me understand where you’re stuck and where you shine.

  2. Talk Through Coaching Options

    Do you prefer one-on-one coaching? Do you thrive in groups? Are you open to yoga and meditation? What about chakra cleansing? These are all important points to talk through as we determine an approach to meeting your personal goals.


You Have Options

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Individual Coaching

Are you a private person and more comfortable digging into issues one-on-one? Let’s talk about how private coaching can elevate your emotional communication skills.

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Group Workshops

Some people thrive in a group setting and draw on the energy of others. If this sounds like you, explore our group options from outdoor yoga instruction to online communication workshops.

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Looking for Help?

If you feel frustrated by your partner’s lack of emotional awareness, let’s talk. While I generally recommend couples coaching, sometimes one-on-one time with your partner is the best way to see progress.